Penile Implant Opinion Leaders

Prof.Steven Wilson Presenting Shaeer's Cavernotome

It was an honor having Prof.Steven Wilson present Shaeer’s Cavernotome for the first time at the ISSM congress, 2022.


Prof.Wilson is on the of the most respected key opinion leaders in the world of penile prosthesis implantation, and the inventor of the modeling technique for Peyronie’s cases among many other outstanding scientific publications.  Prof.Wilson has personally trained many of today’s eminent penile implant surgeons. Through 46 years of practice and over 11,000 implants, he has performed urologic surgery in 53 countries. He is the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed publications, editorials, invited commentaries and abstracts, as well as 19 textbook chapters, countless surgical videos, and 5 prosthetic urology textbooks.

Prof. Carlo Bettocchi Receiving Shaeer's Cavernotome

It was a pleasure presenting Shaeer’s Cavernotome to Prof.Carlo Bettocchi at the ESSM conference, Rotterdam, 2023. 

Prof.Carlo Bettocchi is president of the European Society of Sexual Medicine and one of the leading penile implanters on the international level.

Prof. Antoine Faix

It was a pleasure presenting Shaeer’s Cavernotome in a session chaired by Prof. Antoine Faix at the ESSM congress, Rotterdam, 2023.


Prof. Antoine Faix is a leading expert in penile implants surgery, Peyronie’s disease, reconstructive andrological surgery, erectile dysfunction and male fertility. Antoine Faix has published numerous articles in all uro-andrological areas and is a widely known through out in Europe, and is a Member of the Executive Committee ESSM (European Society of Sexual Medicine).

Shaeer's Cavernotome receives the ESSM congress award

Shaeer’s cavernotome was presented at the congress of the European Society of Sexual Medicine in Rotterdam, February 2023, to receive the Congress Award